As licensed healthcare and aesthetic practitioners, we value and enforce current health and safety protocols. Beauty Starts at Home considers your safety our top priority. Our staff:

  1. Always checks local, state and federal regulations after scheduling an event and works with organizers to comply.
  2. Ensures that we will not staff an event with anyone who is feeling unwell.
  3. Always complies with the following 3 basic preventive measures:
    • Maintains at least 1 meter distance between service locations
    • Our staff always wears a mask regardless of distancing
    • Our staff washes their hands frequently with soap and water, or with a hand sanitizer.
  1. Brief guests about precautions before the event starts; during the event, remind guests of these precautions and ensure of compliance.
  2. Choose outdoor venues, when available, over indoor spaces – if indoors, ensure the area is well-ventilated.
  3. Minimize crowding by staggering arrivals and departures, numbering entries, designating seats/places and marking the floor to ensure physical distancing between people of at least one meter.
  4. Provide all necessary supplies – hand hygiene essentials to include hand sanitizer and/or soap and water, tissues, closed-lid bins, masks.
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